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Volume 1 | Climate change and freshwater: The case of thirsty Cameroon and the Lake Chad catastrophe
Intro | %$@! you, freshwater
Ch1 | Desertification happens when raindrops meet him at the bar instead of percolating into groundwater (stay thirsty, my friends)
Ch2 | “Independence” Day
Ch3 | How many Cameroonians does it take to change a light bulb? Trick question, IMF shut off the electricity
Ch4 | If you liked the 2017 worldwide refugee crisis, you’ll love the Sahel’s desertification crisis
B1 | Cameroon’s independence movement: in which the French send people to the hospital for waving a UN flag
B2 | Commodities cartels: like a drug cartel except not secretly aided by Wall Street
B3 | How to become a dictator (a friend was asking)
B4 Does anyone here love Ahmaduo Ahidjo? Anyone?
Issue 1 released December 2024 at our own pace in